Essay and Art Competition for International Biodiversity Day


To celebrate the day, the National Biodiversity Center (NBC), Serbithang, MoAF is organizing essay and art competition. Therefore, the centre is pleased to invite entries on the topic “Water and Biodiversity” from students according to the following categories:

Class Category Program Specifications Coverage Remarks Cash prizes
PP – III Arts (Drawings & Paintings) A4 size ThimphuThromde Schools only Up to 5 best arts per school should reach NBC by 15th May 2013 1st:2500
2nd :1500
3rd: 1000
IV – V Arts (Drawings & paintings) Standard chart paper size ThimphuThromde Schools only Up to 5 best arts per school should reach NBC by 15th May 2013 1st:3000
2nd :2000
3rd: 1500
VI – VIII Essay Competition 250 – 500 words Nationwide Handwritten or typed essays should reach NBC by 15th May 2013 1st:3500
2nd :2500
3rd: 1500
2 consolation:1000
IX – XII Essay Competition 500 – 1,000 words Nationwide Handwritten or typed essays should reach NBC by 15th May 2013 1st:5000
2nd :3500
3rd: 2000
2 consolation:1000

The winners will be declared on the day of the celebration (22nd May, 2013), which will be held at Babesa Middle Secondary School, Thimphu and also through media.

For further information please contact Mr. LhabTshering at 17389020/17931130/

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