Upcoming events to be organized by National Biodiversity Centre
3rd workshop (working group members) for the revision of National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan.
Date: 7th to 8th March, 2013:
Venue: Hotel Migmar
Workshop on “Intellectual Property related to genetic resource and Access and Benefit Sharing (ABS) in relation to Nagoya Protocol and International Treaties”
Date: 12 to 15th March, 2013
Venue: Hotel Migmar, Thimphu.
Stakeholder consultation workshop to “Strengthen the National Biodiversity Bortal and formation of a Consortium to manage the portal”
Date: 19th to 20th March, 2013
Venue: NRDCL Hall (Tentative)
National Training Workshop on “Building capacity to Identify Bhutan’s Threatened Species” using IUCN Red List criteria and categories”
Date: 22nd to 26th April, 2013.
Venue: RSPN Hall, Thimphu.