Vacancy Announcement
HRD/MoAF/SEC/2/ December 30, 2010
The Human Resource Division, MoAF is pleased to announce the availability of the following vacancies for appointment:
Post | Place of Posting | No. of Post | Qualification | Remarks |
Dy. Chief Biodiversity Officer | NBC | 1 | M.Sc/B.Sc. in relevant field | Only for in-service |
Sr. Biodiversity Officer/Biodiversity Officer | NBC | 1 | B.Sc. Agriculture/B.Sc. General | Only for in-service |
Sr. Biodiversity Supervisor/Biodiversity Supervisor | NBC | 2 | Cl XII with Diploma in Forestry | Only for in-service |
Sr. Biodiversity Technician | NBC | 1 | Certificate in Forestry (2-5 years experience in plantation Mgt.) | Only for in-service |
Interested candidates who meet the above criteria may apply to the Chief HR Officer, HRD, MoAF latest by 16th January. For in-service candidate please refer section 7.3.2 of the Promotion Rules and Regulations BCSR – 2010 for eligibility. For terms of reference (ToR) and other requirements for the in-service candidates and other positions please click here . The date for selection interview will be informed later through the contact number.
Ngawang Pem (Chief HR Officer)