Author: NBC

  • National Stakeholders’ workshop on developing Access and Benefit Sharing (ABS) Policy of Bhutan

    The National Biodiversity Centre, MoAF, Serbithang organized a two-day National Stakeholders’ workshop on developing Access and Benefit Sharing (ABS) Policy of Bhutan on Genetic Resources and Traditional Knowledge (TK) associated with Biological Resources from 19th to 20th April, 2011 at Namgay Heritage Hotel, Thimphu.

    Considering the increasing number of both national and international Biotech and Pharmaceutical companies seeking access to Bhutanese genetic resources for commercial utilization, it has become  imperative for Bhutan to develop  a policy providing overall direction on access to genetic resources and TK associated with biological resources and  the fair and equitable sharing of benefits arising from their utilization. The policy development was initiated since early 2010. The objectives of the current workshop were to:

    • Facilitate an understanding of the philosophy, law, economics and politics of Access and Benefit Sharing related to genetic resources.
    • Share information on the international legal landscape within which ABS is located.
    • Discuss the way forward for Bhutan’s ABS policy based on critical understanding of the ABS mechanism and principles and Bhutan’s needs and priorities.

    The workshop was attended by participants from government, non-government, private sector and community representatives: Department of Forests and Park Services, Department of Agriculture, Policy & Planning Division (MoAF), RNR Research Council, Institute of Traditional Medicine Services, Bhutan Trust Fund for Environment Conservation, Bhutan Pharmaceutical Private Ltd., Bio-Bhutan, Tarayana Foundation, Guide Association of Bhutan, and representatives from Community Forestry Groups and NWFP Exporters.

    The workshop was facilitated by two international legal experts with wide range of experiences in developing and dealing with ABS policy: Mr. Morten Walløe Tvedt of Fridtjof Nansen Institute, Norway and Mr. Kabir Bavikatte of Natural Justice-Lawyers for Communities and the Environment, South Africa.

    The participants found the workshop educating and very insightful and were amazed by the complexity surrounding ABS. The facilitators cautioned the workshop participants not to rush the policy development process but to provide optimal time and energy in developing the ABS Policy that is Bhutanese and anchored to its values.

    A National ABS policy, in addition to guiding the country in regulating access to genetic resources and the fair and equitable share of benefits arising out of their utilization, would also enable the country in fulfilling the national obligation of developing a National ABS Policy and legal framework under the Nagoya Protocol on Access to Genetic Resources and the Fair and Equitable Sharing of Benefits Arising from their Utilization to the Convention on Biological Resources (CBD). Bhutan became party to CBD in 1995.

  • NBC supports another orchid propagation scheme at the community level through Bhutan Access and Benefit Sharing (BABS) Fund

    The National Biodiversity Center (NBC), Ministry of Agriculture and Forests in collaboration with the Dzongkhag Forest Office, Wangduephodrang has successfully established an orchid propagation house and conducted a four-day hands-on training on propagation of orchid (Cymbidium erythraeum) commonly known as ola tshe to 18 farmers of  Samtengang, Nisho Gewog, Wangduephodrang from 10th-13th April, 2011. Similar support was provided to 33 households of Simphu village, Trongsa from 17 to 23 March 2011. These will enhance sustainable utilization and management of the orchids in their localities. Prior to the intervention, the practice of orchid cultivation in the village was limited to growing it naturally on the edge of their kitchen garden without proper management.

    Samtengang Orchid Management Group comprising 18 households was formed to ensure the proper management of the orchid house for the benefit of the community. The group is part of the newly established Jibdungsa Community Forest.

    Orchid flowers from the group will be directly purchased by NBC and supplied to Quantum Pharmaceuticals Limited (QPL), Switzerland for production of a cosmetic product (REDEEM) and the surplus will be sold in the market by the community. The income generated through the sale of flowers and saplings will strengthen the functioning and sustainability of the Community Forestry Group.

  • Supporting orchid propagation at community level through Bhutan Access and Benefit Sharing (BABS) Fund

    The National Biodiversity Center in collaboration with the Dzongkhag Forest Office, Trongsa supported the establishment of two orchid propagation house and provided six-day hands-on training on propagation of orchid (Cymbidium hookerianum) commonly known as ola tshe to 33 farmers at Simphu, Nubi Gewog, Trongsa from 17 to 23 March 2011.

    The project was initiated with the following objectives:

    • discourage collection of orchids from the wild which is under threat from over exploitation;
    • supply orchid saplings for household requirement from the common propagation house;
    • promote community income generation through sale of ola tshe, and
    • strengthen capacity of farmers in orchid propagation and management.

    The mother stock for the propagation was contributed by the participating households from their individual household collections. The Simphu Orchid Management Group comprising 33 households was also formed to ensure the proper management of the orchid house for the benefit of the community. The community orchid house will supply orchid saplings for household requirements in order to prevent the collection of orchids from the wild, which is reported to be on the decline by the community.

    The income generated through the sale of saplings and orchid flowers from the propagation house will be managed as community fund through the newly developed community bylaws. As per the bylaws, individuals will be fined Nu. 500.00 if he or she is found collecting orchids from the wild and outsiders Nu.1500.00. Farmers were very excited and thankful for the support and provided assurance to stop collection from the wild. As a gesture of respect to Mother Nature, the group will plant a batch of new saplings from the propagation house in the nearby community forests next year.

    The fund for the above project was supported through the Bhutan Access and Benefit Sharing Fund (BABS Fund) generated from the sale of orchid (Cymbidium erythraeum) flowers to Quantum Pharmaceuticals Limited (QPL), Switzerland as one of the ingredients for the production of a cosmetic product called REDEEM (world’s first anti-aging plasma) in a collaborative undertaking with the MoAF.

    Similar support and training on propagation of Cymbidium erythraeum will be provided to 18 households of Jibdungsa Community Forests, Wangdue in collaboration with the Dzongkhag Forest Office, Wangdue from 10 to 13 April 2011. Orchid flowers from the group will be purchased by NBC and supplied to QPL for production of REDEEM.

    Reported by the National Biodiversity Centre and Dzongkhag Forest Office, Trongsa

  • Vacancy Announcement

    HRD/MoAF/SEC/2/                                                                                                                                                                 December 30, 2010


    The Human Resource Division, MoAF is pleased to announce the availability of the following vacancies for appointment:

    Post Place of Posting No. of Post Qualification Remarks
    Dy. Chief Biodiversity Officer NBC 1 M.Sc/B.Sc. in relevant field Only for in-service
    Sr. Biodiversity Officer/Biodiversity Officer NBC 1 B.Sc. Agriculture/B.Sc. General Only for in-service
    Sr. Biodiversity Supervisor/Biodiversity Supervisor NBC 2 Cl XII with Diploma in Forestry Only for in-service
    Sr. Biodiversity Technician NBC 1 Certificate in Forestry (2-5 years experience in plantation Mgt.) Only for in-service

    Interested candidates who meet the above criteria may apply to the Chief HR Officer, HRD, MoAF latest by 16th January. For in-service candidate please refer section 7.3.2 of the Promotion Rules and Regulations BCSR – 2010 for eligibility. For terms of reference (ToR) and other requirements for the in-service candidates and other positions please click here . The date for selection interview will be informed later through the contact number.

    Ngawang Pem (Chief HR Officer)