Author: NBC

  • Internship at NBC

    18th January, 2019: Eight students from Sherubtse College undergoing BSc. Life Sciences studies ended their month long internship at the National Biodiversity Centre today, being the first batch from a group of 19 interns, currently undergoing internship at the National Biodiversity Centre.
    The interns were placed with the National Herbarium program and the Biodiversity Information Management program, developing skills and knowledge in herbarium specimen management as well as biodiversity information management.
    As part of the internship process, the interns made a five minute presentation focusing on what they did during their internship, what they learned and how they will apply it to their ongoing studies and provide feedback on any improvement that could be made to the internship experience.
    The Centre receives more than 20 interns in a year, mostly students from Sherubtse College, College of Natural Resources, Royal Thimphu College and various colleges in India.

  • Shortlisted Candidate for the post of ESP

    The National Biodiversity Centre, Serbithang is pleased to announce the shortlisted candidate for the post of ESP (gardener) at Royal Botanical garden against the vacancy re-announcement made on NBC and MoAFs website on 26/12/2018.

    Sl.# Name CID No: Remarks
    1 Phurba Dorji Tamang 1180900025 Shortlisted


    The shortlisted candidate shall report to NBC on 15th January, 2019 at 09:30am for an interview.

    For detail, please contact: 0235418


    The National Biodiversity Centre, Serbithang would like to invite quotation for the supply of field dress from the eligible supplier having valid license.

    The tender document can be downloaded from the link below:

    Last date of submission: 31st January, 2019, on/before 11am.

    Opening date: 31st January, 2019 at 11:30am.



    The National Biodiversity Centre, Serbithang, is pleased to re-announce vacancy for the post of ESP as detailed below:

    Sl No Post Category No. of Post Age Limit
    1 Gardener at Royal Botanical Garden, Serbithang ESP 1 18-45

    The applicants fulfilling the criteria should submit an application to Adm. Section, NBC, along with the following documents, not later than 4pm on 10/01/2019. The shortlisted candidate shall be contacted for an interview.

    1. Employment application form (Annexure 4/1). Available in RCSC website
    2. Valid Medical fitness certificate
    3. Security clearance certificate
    4. Citizen ID photo copy
    5. NOC from parent office, if employed
    6. Experience certificate if any

    For further information, please contract @ 02-351417/351218 during office hours.