Author: NBC

  • Invitation of Rates

    The National Biodiversity Centre, Serbithang would like to invite rates from eligible firm having valid trade license for the supply of plastic crates to PGR program under NBC.

    The tender documents can be purchased from the adm’s section during the office hours from 24/02/2016 to 10/03/2016 on payment of Nu. 200/.

  • Sapha Sikam available at B-Coop shops

    Sapha Nyamsung Tshogpa in Gomdar is one of the two groups involved in conservation of Sapha– a traditional breed of pig in the country. The group is initiating the development of niche products from Sapha for sustainability. The ‘Sapha Sikam’ is the first product of the group under pilot marketing.  (more…)

  • Notice Inviting Tender

    The National Biodiversity Centre, Serbithang, would like to invite sealed bids from the eligible supplier for the supply of Lab Equipment’s for the Centre.

    The tender document can be purchased from Adm’s Office from 15/01/2016 to 01/02/2016 during office hours.

    The submission date of the tender is on 02/02/2016 at/before 11am and will be opened on the same day at 11:30am.

    For details contact: 351218.