Author: NBC

  • Notice Inviting Tender

    The National Biodiversity Centre, Serbithang, would like to invite quotations from an eligible supplier for the procurement of Lab. Equipment, chemicals and other consumables.

    The tender documents can be purchased from Adm’s Office from 07/08/2015 to 20/08/2015 during office hours.

    The submission date of the tender is on 21/08/2015 at/before 11am and will be opened on the same day at 11:30am.

    For details contact: 351218.

  • Quotation for airfare

    The National Biodiversity Centre (NBC), Ministry of Agriculture and Forests, Serbithang, Thimphu would like to invite air fare from authorized ticketing agents as per the details specified below:

    Date Sector Rate
    5th  September 2015 Paro- Bangkok
    6th September 2015 Bangkok- Amsterdam (Netherland)
    18th September 2015 Amsterdam-Bangkok
    19th September 2015 Bangkok- Paro


    Date Sector Rate
    5th  September 2015 Paro- Delhi
    6th  September 2015 Delhi- Amsterdam (Netherland)
    18th September 2015 Amsterdam-Delhi
    19th September 2015 Delhi- Paro

    Terms and Conditions

    1. The sealed quotation shall be submitted to the office of undersigned on 3rd August, 2015 at/before 11 am and will be opened on the same day at 11.30 am.
    2. Sealed quotation should be addressed to the Program Director, NBC, Serbithang, MoAF, Thimphu and accompanied by 2% EMD in the form of cash warrant or demand draft payable to Program Director, NBC, without which the quotation shall be invalid.
    3. Quotations without sealed envelope will be disqualified.
    4. The valid trade license and other necessary documents should be attached.
    5. The quoted rate should be valid for at least three months.
    6. The decision of the tender committee will be final and binding.
    7. Evaluation of bids will be strictly based on fare as well as the availability of confirmed seats, suitability of travel timing and reputation of the airline for safety reasons
  • Result for the Consultancy Services

    The National Biodiversity Centre, Ministry of Agriculture and Forests is pleased to announce the result for the Consultancy Services for the following work


    Name of the Work

    Name of the Firm

    Final Score



    1 Designing the Poster for General Process of ABS i. Loday Natshog Communications (LDC) 89.4 Selected
    2 Development of Database i. e-Centric NGN Technology 92.4 Selected
    ii. Green e-solution 79.5  
    3 Translation, Designing, Proofreading and Printing of ABS Policy i. Norlha Engineering and Management Consultancy Services 74.6  
    ii. Midlway Consults 85.8 Selected
    4 Conduction of Perception Studies on Awareness of ABS for Targeted Groups i. Kyingkhor Consulting Services 82.3  
    ii. Happiness Consulting Services 83.5 Selected
    iii. NYCOMS Consultant 77.74  
  • EoI Shortlisted Announcement

    The National Biodiversity Centre, Ministry of Agriculture and Forests is pleased to inform that the EoI for various consultancy services advertised on 24 April 2015 has been shortlisted. The shortlisted firms/consultants will be notify individually through formal letter for the submission of technical and financial proposals.ToR for perception study.ToR for Poster Designing consultancy.ToR for database.ToR for Translation consultancy.TOR for Revision of Biodiversity Act (National Consultant).TOR for Revision of Biodiversity Act (International Consultant)