Author: NBC
Quotation for airfare
The National Biodiversity Centre is pleased to call airfare quotation for the following sectors:
The quotation should be faxed to the office at -2-351219 or e-mailed to by 9th December 2013. The rates will be evaluated on the same day. The quoted rate should be valid for at least three months.
Quotation for airfare
National Biodiversity Centre is pleased to call airfare quotation for the following sector and dates:
Tentative no. of pax: 3
Date Sector 15th December 2013 Paro- Bangkok-Chiang Mai, Thailand 4th January, 2013 Chiang Mai to Bangkok 6th January, 2013 Bangkok- Paro The quotation should be faxed to the office at -2-351219 or emailed to by 3rd December 2013. The rates will be evaluated on the same day. The quoted rate should be valid for at least three months.
Training Workshop on Resilient Seed system: Tools and Techniques for Climate Change Adaptation. 26-28th November 2013
Bhutan has ratified International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (ITPGRFA), 2003. In order to strengthen national capacity to implement ITPGRFA, Bhutan is in the process of implementing project entitled ‘Strengthening National Capacity to implement ITPGRFA’ funded by Bioversity International.
There are five themes under this project and theme 5 of above project deals with studies on ‘Future levels of interdependence due to climate change’.
This theme involves the use of range of programs including but not limited to DIVA GIS, Maxent and climate modeling tools, sourcing identified germplasm, field trials of selected varieties and providing access to locally adapted and improved seeds to help farming communities to cope with the effects of climate change.
The Training Workshop on ‘Resilient seed systems: tools and techniques for climate change adaptation commenced from 26th to 28th November 2013.
This training is targeted to stakeholders who are involved in Plant Genetic Resources conservation and those stakeholders involved in selection, evaluation and utilization of various germplasm through varietal trails. The training is participated by 28 participants from Nepal and Bhutan.
The objectives of Training workshop is to strengthen technical capacity of stakeholders on Resilient Seed Systems that include DIVA GIS, Maxent and Climate Analogue tools for its application in conservation, evaluation and utilization crop varieties.
These climate analogue tools will help the researchers and policy makers to plan for a resilient farming system in the face of climate change.
The training is organized by National Biodiversity Centre, Ministry of Agriculture and Forests, with technical and financial support from the Bioversity International based in Rome and New Delhi.