The National Biodiversity Centre would like to inform that the date for the submission of documents for the post of field assistant vacancy – ESP has been postponed to 25th May and the interview to 28th May 2012 due to unavoidable circumstances. For details please contact 351417/351218. The other information remains the same.
Author: NBC
Tender call for supply of library books
The National Biodiversity Center, MoAF, Serbithang is pleased to invited sealed bid rates from eligible and interested suppliers/dealers having valid trade license for the supply library books for the Centre. Tender documents along with the list of books can be purchased from the office of the undersigned on any working days from 16th April to 14th May, 2012 on payment of Nu. 200 (non-refundable). The last date for submission of tender is on 15/5/2012 till 11.30 am and it will be opened on the same day at 12.30 noon.
Program Director
Regional Stakeholders’ workshop on Access and Benefit Sharing Policy
The National Biodiversity Centre, MoAF, Serbithang organized a one-day regional consultation workshop on the draft Access and Benefit Sharing (ABS) Policy of Bhutan on 3rd April, 2012 at Hotel Tropical, Gelephu. The workshop was organized to familiarize the regional stakeholders on the policy and to generate feedbacks for its improvement.
The Policy once approved will guide access to Genetic Resources and Traditional Knowledge (TK) associated with biological resources when used for research and commercial purposes and fair and equitable sharing of benefits arising from its utilization.
The Consultation workshop was attended by 40 participants comprising Chief Forest Officers, Dzongkhag RNR Sector Heads, Dzongkhag Environmental Officers, Researchers, DYT Chairman, local healers and representatives of Community Forest and Non-wood Forest Product groups of Dagana, Tsirang, Sarpang and Samtse dzongkhags.
The workshop was facilitated by Bioprospecting and ABS Division (NBC) and three international legal experts from Fridtjof Nansen Institute, Norway and Natural Justice-Lawyers for Communities and the Environment, South Africa.
The participants supported the draft policy and said it was very timely. They provided major comments on benefit sharing mechanism and development of community protocols on access to genetic resources and associated traditional knowledge. Similar consultation workshops will be organized in other regions of the country.
Airfare quotation
The National Biodiversity Centre, MoAF, Serbithang is pleased to invited airfare quotation from national ticketing agents. Please click here for details: