The National Biodiversity Centre, MoAF, Serbithang is pleased to invited airfare quotation from national ticketing agents. Please click here for details:
Category: Announcements
Vacancy for the post of gardener (ESP)
The National Biodiversity Centre, Serbithang has vacancy for two gardeners at the Royal Botanical Garden under the Elementary Services Personnel (ESP) for immediate appointment.
Interested candidates within the age group of 18 to 40 years may apply for the above mentioned post with the following documents in original latest by 28th February, 2012.
- Security Clearance Certificate.
- Medical Fitness Certificate.
- Employment Application Form duly filled.
- NOC from the previous employer if the candidate is already employed.
- Photocopy of the CID Card.
Selection interview will be held on 29th February, 2012 at NBC office, Serbithang at 10.a.m.
Program Director
National Action Plan on Biodiversity Persistence and Climate Change
The National Biodiversity Centre is pleased to inform that the final version of the National Action Plan on Biodiversity Persistence and Climate Change is available for download under publication.
Executive Order
The National Biodiversity Centre of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forests is designated as the National Focal Agency on Access to Genetic Resources and Benefit-sharing arising from their Utilization and as the National Focal Agency for inventory and documentation of Traditional Knowledge (TK) associated with biological resources …
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