Category: Announcements


    The National Biodiversity Centre, Serbithang, is pleased to re-announce vacancy for the post of ESP as detailed below:

    Sl No Post Category No. of Post Age Limit
    1 Gardener at Royal Botanical Garden, Serbithang ESP 1 18-45

    The applicants fulfilling the criteria should submit an application to Adm. Section, NBC, along with the following documents, not later than 4pm on 10/01/2019. The shortlisted candidate shall be contacted for an interview.

    1. Employment application form (Annexure 4/1). Available in RCSC website
    2. Valid Medical fitness certificate
    3. Security clearance certificate
    4. Citizen ID photo copy
    5. NOC from parent office, if employed
    6. Experience certificate if any

    For further information, please contract @ 02-351417/351218 during office hours.


    The National Biodiversity Centre, Serbithang, is pleased to invite applications from the interested Bhutanese nationals for the following post:

    Sl No Post Category No. of Post Age Limit
    1 Gardener at Royal Botanical Garden, Serbithang ESP 1 18-45

    The applicants fulfilling the criteria should submit an application to Adm. Section, NBC, along with the following documents, not later than 4pm on 14/12/2018. The shortlisted candidate shall be contacted for an interview.

    1. Employment application form (Annexure 4/1). Available in RCSC website
    2. Valid Medical fitness certificate
    3. Security clearance certificate
    4. Citizen ID photo copy
    5. NOC from parent office, if employed
    6. Experience certificate if any

    For further information, please contract @ 02-351417/351218 during office hours.

  • Shortlisted Candidates for the post of ESP, NBC Serbithang.

    The National Biodiversity Centre, Serbithang is pleased to announce the shortlisted candidates for the post of gardener, ESP, at Royal Botanical Graden as detailed below:

    Sl.# Name of the candidate CID No. Remarks
    1 Phurba Tamang 11215003639 Shortlisted
    2 Indra Kumar Rai 11207001238 Shortlisted


    The shortlisted candidates are requested to report to NBC, Serbithang at 09:30am on 4th June, 2018 for interview.

  • Vacancy Announcement

    The National Biodiversity Centre, Serbithang is pleased to announce the vacancy for the following post:

    Sl. No. Agency Position Title Position Level No. of Slot Criteria
    1 NBC,Serbithang Gradener ESP 1 Bhutanese National, within the age limit of 18-40 years

    Interested applicants who meet the above requirements may apply to the Program Director, National Biodiversity Centre, MoAFs, Serbithang, Thimphu, not later than 5pm, 18th April, 2018 with the following documents:

    • Duly filled Job Application form with 3 passport size photograph
    • Copy of valid Citizenship ID Card
    • Copy of Security Clearance certificate
    • Copy of Medical Fitness certificate
    • Copy of No Objection Certificate (NOC) from current employer, if employed

    The interview for the shortlisted candidates will be held on 20th April, 2018, from 09:30am.

    For further clarification, please contact 351417/351418 during office hours.