Category: Biodiversity News

  • National Moth Week Winner

    National Moth Week Winner

    National Biodiversity Centre and Bhutan Biodiversity Portal would like to congratulate Karma Wangdi, Karma Jamtsho and Sangay Chhophel for their exceptional moth observations contribution during the National Moth Week that was held from 22-30 July.

    Karma Wangdi topped the list with an impressive 3324 moth observations, closely followed by Karma Jamtsho with 1454 and Sangay Chhophel with 823 observations. Overall, a total of 7443 moth observations were uploaded in the Bhutan Biodiversity Portal during the National Moth Week by 19 participants. Once again, Kudos to out top moth observation contributors!.

    We would also like to thank everyone who participated and made this citizen-science initiative a resounding success. Thank you everyone!

  • Second TWG workshop on 5th NBSAP and 7th NR

    Second TWG workshop on 5th NBSAP and 7th NR

    The workshop on 5th National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plan (NBSAP) and 7th National Report (NR) is currently being held in Paro to deliberate the activities for the development and formulation of 5th NBSAP and 7th NR. During the workshop, the technical working groups will be actively engaged in thorough assessment and review of previous NBSAP to establish a foundational framework for developing 5th NBSAP and 7th NR.

    The workshop is being coordinated by National Biodiversity Centre in collaboration with Department of Environment of Climate Change with Support from UNDP Country Office; and the Nagoya and Cartegena Protocols. The ongoing workshop is set to conclude on 11th August 2023.

  • National Moth Week

    National Moth Week

    The 12th annual National Moth Week starts in 9 days from 22nd to 30th July 2023. Participate in National Moth Week & start a chance to win an exciting prizes.

    1. Register at Bhutan Biodiversity Portal, National Moth Week and iNaturalist to be eligible for participation.
    2. Take moth pictures and upload in Bhutan Biodiversity Portal and iNaturalist as many as possible during NMW (22-30 July).

    All the moth pictures taken from any devices will be accepted. The top three contributors of the moth observation in Bhutan Biodiversity Portal and iNaturalist (combined) during NMW will be awarded field gears and a certificate of appreciation.

  • First TWG meeting of the NBSAP and 7th National Report to CBD projects conducted

    First TWG meeting of the NBSAP and 7th National Report to CBD projects conducted

    Group photo of the TWG members, alternate members and observers.

    The first Technical Working Group (TWG) meeting of the NBSAPs and the 7th National Report projects was conducted from 3rd to 5th July at Paro. The meeting focused on developing the plans to assess and develop NBSAP and the 7th National Report to the UN Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD).

    The TWG members include:

    1. National Biodiversity Centre (NBC), Ministry of Agriculture & Livestock (Co-chair, Member Secretary & Secretariat, Nagoya Protocol)
    2. Department of Environment & Climate Change (DoECC), Ministry of Energy & Natural Resources (Co-chair and CBD National Focal Point)
    3. Bhutan Food & Drug Authority (BFDA), Ministry of Health (Cartagena Protocol)
    4. Department of Forests & Park Services (DoFPS), Ministry of Energy & Natural Resources
    5. Department of Livestock (DoL), Ministry of Agriculture & Livestock
    6. Department of Agriculture (DoA), Ministry of Agriculture & Livestock
    7. Department of Water (DoW), Ministry of Energy & Natural Resources
    8. Department of Macro-Fiscal & Development Finance, Ministry of Finance
    9. Women & Children Division, Department of Education Program, Ministry of Education & Skills Development
    10. Royal Society for Protection of Nature (RSPN)
    11. World Wildlife Fund (WWF) – Bhutan
    12. Bhutan Trust Fund for Environment Conservation (BTFEC)
    13. College of Natural Resources (CNR), Royal University of Bhutan
    14. United Nations Development Program (UNDP) – Bhutan
    15. A representative from the Private Sector