National Moth Week WinnerNational Moth Week Winner
National Biodiversity Centre and Bhutan Biodiversity Portal would like to congratulate Karma Wangdi, Karma Jamtsho and Sangay Chhophel for their{...}
National Biodiversity Centre and Bhutan Biodiversity Portal would like to congratulate Karma Wangdi, Karma Jamtsho and Sangay Chhophel for their{...}
The workshop on 5th National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plan (NBSAP) and 7th National Report (NR) is currently being held{...}
The 12th annual National Moth Week starts in 9 days from 22nd to 30th July 2023. Participate in National Moth{...}
The first Technical Working Group (TWG) meeting of the NBSAPs and the 7th National Report projects was conducted from 3rd{...}