Category: Biodiversity News

  • Talk on “Mollusk diversity of Bhutan”

    The National Biodiversity Center (NBC) is pleased to invite interested audience to attend the upcoming talk on “Mollusk diversity of Bhutan” by a Mollusk Expert, Professor Edmund Gittenberger of Naturalis Biodiversity Centre, Netherlands.

    The talk will touch upon the diversity, distribution, endemism and morphology of common snails of Bhutan. It is part of the ongoing project on documentation of selected taxa of invertebrates of Bhutan, funded by Bhutan Trust Fund for Environment Conservation (BTFEC) and implemented by NBC.

    It is an open forum and a great opportunity to learn about the Mollusk (Snails) of Bhutan.

    To facilitate logistical arrangement, please register your attendance at email on or before 1st April by 4:30 PM.

    Following are details of the event:

    Date: Monday 04th April, 2016

    Time: 09:30 AM -11 am

    Venue: Department of Agriculture’s Conference Hall, Near RCSC, Thimphu


  • Sokshing Plantation

    The National Biodiversity Centre (NBC) joins the Nation in celebrating the birth of  the Gyalsey by planting 108 cypress saplings on 6th March 2016 as part of Tendrel initiative. The plantation of Sokshing (tree of life) was dedicated to His Royal Highness The Gyalsey for his well-being and long life.  The saplings were planted around the office premises by the officials of NBC.











  • Sapha Sikam available at B-Coop shops

    Sapha Nyamsung Tshogpa in Gomdar is one of the two groups involved in conservation of Sapha– a traditional breed of pig in the country. The group is initiating the development of niche products from Sapha for sustainability. The ‘Sapha Sikam’ is the first product of the group under pilot marketing.  (more…)