Category: Biodiversity News

  • Vacancy Announcement

    The  National Biodiversity Centre MoAF, Serbithang is pleased to announce the following posts for recruitment on  temporary basis with effect from 15th February, 2015 for an initial duration of 6 months with possibilities of further extension based on the performance.

    Number of Post Preferable Background
    2 B Sc (Life science/Botany/Forestry)
    1 ICT graduate

    The monthly salary of Nu. 6000/- per month and DSA of 500/- per day will be paid by the National Biodiversity Centre from the BTFEC and Tangsibje Hydropower Project funding.

    Interested eligible candidates may kindly submit their application to the Chief HR Officer, Human Resource Division at MoAF on or before 11th February, 2015.

  • Three day Training workshop on the “Field Identification Skills of Endemic plants of Bhutan”

    The National Biodiversity Center is organizing a three day training workshop on the “Field Identification Skills of Endemic plants of Bhutan” from 14-16 January 2015. Participants are focal persons on endemic plants from the Departments of Forests and Park Services including field officials from the protected areas, Research and Development Center and Ugyen Wangchuck Institute for Environment and Conservation. The resource persons are Rebecca Pradhan, Royal Society for Protection of Nature, Ngawang Gyeltshen, Wildlife Conservation Division, Stig Dalstrom, orchid specialist, Selby Botanical Garden, Florida, Rinchen Yangzom and Kencho Dorji, National Biodiversity Center.

    The objectives of the training workshop are:

    1. To introduce plant identification techniques
    2. To enable participants to identify endemic plants of Bhutan
    3. To revive plant taxonomy activities in the country

    The participants are expected to recognized endemic plants and initiate relevant conservation initiatives in their respective protected areas.

    The training workshop is made possible through financial support from the Bhutan Trust Fund for Environmental Conservation. participants for the tranning

  • Notice Inviting Tenders

    Sealed bid rates are hereby invited from the eligible suppliers/dealers having valid

    Trade license for the supply of the following items.

    1. Lab.Equipment, Lab consumable, chemicals and Electronics: Nu. 500/- (non-refundable).
    2. Extension kits and Field dresses: Nu.500/-(Non-Refundable).

    Tender documents can be purchased from the office of the undersigned on any working days from 13/01/2015 to till 13/02/2015.

    Last date for submission:13/02/2015 at 11 am.

     Opening date: 13/02/2015 at 11.30 am.

  • Notice Inviting Tenders

    The National Biodiversity Centre, Serbithang, Ministry of Agriculture & Forests is pleased to invite sealed quotation from eligible Bhutanese license holders for the supply of following item.

    Sl No Particluar Specification
    1 Lap Top Dell XPS 13”, i5, 6GB, 64bit

    Date of sale of Tender Document             14/01/2015 to 26/01/2015

    Last Submission Date & Time                   28/1/2015 on/before 11AM.

    Date & Time of Tender Opening               28/1/2015 at 11.30AM, at Adm’s office, NBC.

    The tender documents can be purchased on any working days from the Administrative section.

    For further enquiry, please contact at 02- 351218.