National Invertebrate Program

The Invertebrate Collection Repository was established in 2017 to coordinate the collection and documentation of invertebrates including insects among the various relevant stakeholders. Since its inception, many new species discoveries such as Gyalsey Emerald Spreadwing (dragonfly), Truncatellina bhutanensis (one of the world’s smallest snails), etc were made. Numerous journals and field guides were published. The repository was initially funded by BTFEC with technical support from the Naturalis Biodiversity Center, The Netherlands.

Currently, the repository has more than 25,000 collections of invertebrates. The collection of snails, bees and wasps, and moths and documentation are still ongoing. However, some taxa group collections are being coordinated by various institutions such as the collection of lady beetles coordinated by the College of Natural Resources and National Plant Protection Centre, moths by Ugyen Wangchuck Institute for Conservation and Environmental Research, etc.

  • Collected a total of 46 species of snails from Haa, Chhukha, and Bumthang regions and are deposited at the National Invertebrate Repository.
  • Collected a total of 23 species of bees and wasps from Bumthang region and processed.
  • Discovery of 12 species new to science in the fiscal year 2020-2021