Environmental Studies students from Royal Thimphu College Visits NBC on 5th November, 2012


A total of 75 Environmental Studies students from Royal Thimphu College visited the National Biodiversity Centre (NBC), Serbithang on 5th November 2012. The main objective of this visit was to learn about NBC’s role in Biodiversity Conservation and the conservation facilities and programs of NBC. In line with the objective of their visit, a representative NBC presented the historical back ground of NBC, its roles and mandates in biodiversity conservation and the programs under implementation at NBC. The presentation was followed by discussion wherein topics ranging from conservation challenges to opportunities for undergraduate internship at NBC were discussed.

Presenting NBC’s role in Biodiversity Conservation
RTC Students with their Lecturer










Later in the day, the students escorted by their lecturer visited the facilities of NBC: Crop Seed bank , Animal Genebank , Herbarium, Bioprospecting and Research Laboratory and the Royal Botanical Garden.

Witnessing various conservation facilities and programs of NBC

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