A seminar on “The National Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Utilization Program with special focus on Access and Benefit-sharing, Traditional knowledge and the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture

A seminar on “The National Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Utilization Program with special focus on Access and Benefit-sharing, Traditional knowledge and the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture” was held at the College of Natural Resources (CNR), Lobesa on 6th June, 2013.
The objective of the seminar was to create awareness and understanding on Biodiversity conservation efforts in the country including the documentation and protection of Traditional Knowledge and implementation of the Access and Benefit-sharing regime as well as to educate and disseminate information on the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (ITPGRFA).
This is the second seminar that NBC organized at CNR and is part of the initiative to educate and broaden the knowledge of the students on the national as well as international developments in the field of conservation and sustainable utilization of biological diversity. It is hoped that the insight that the students will gain from such seminars will enable them to work more effectively in the implementation of biodiversity conservation and sustainable programs in the country.
The key areas that were presented to the participants were:
- Biodiversity conservation and sustainable utilization initiatives in the country.
- National and international conventions, treaties and legal frame work on biodiversity namely the CBD, MLS of ITPGRFA, Nagoya protocol and Access and Benefit Sharing Policy of Bhutan.
- Importance of Traditional Knowledge and its documentation.
- Material Transfer Agreement (MTA) and procedure for execution of MTA.

The seminar was organized by the National Biodiversity Centre (NBC), Ministry of Agriculture and Forests. It was attended by the staff and students of the College. Similar seminars are also planned for other colleges such as Sherubtse College and Royal Thimphu College, as part of NBC’s education and awareness program.