Airfare Quotation


NBC/BIMS/07/2014-15/                                                                    Dt: 25th November 2014

Call for airfare quotation

The National Biodiversity Centre, Ministry of Agriculture and Forests is pleased to invite air fare quotation for the following sector and dates:

Sector Date Pax
Paro- Bangalore 3rd December 2014 One
Bangalore – Paro 15th December 2014 One
Paro-Bangalore 9th December 2014 Two
Bangalore-Paro 15th December 2014 Two


Sealed quotation should reach the office of the undersigned by 28th November 2014 by 3.p.m. For details please contact Administrative Officer, NBC at 351218/17940285

Please note that for evaluation of the bids, in addition to rate, status of the seat, direct-route and reputation of the airline will be considered. Therefore, please kindly indicate status of the seat, name of the airline, and route itinerary in the bid.


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