DNA barcoding training underway at National Biodiversity Centre, Serbithang.



A 12-day training course on DNA bar coding started at the National Biodiversity Centre (NBC), Serbithang on 23rd October 2018, with funding support from the Secretariat to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) and resource persons from Naturalis Biodiversity Centre, The Netherlands.

DNA barcoding is a rapidly developing methodology in characterizing biological diversity through use of short, standardised DNA fragments. It lies at an interface between genomics and biodiversity science, offering a suite of molecular tools for fast and reliable species identification as well as species discovery.

The training program is organized to train people working in biodiversity research and conservation science to use DNA techniques in identifying agricultural insect pests, pollinator insects, as well as fresh water and other cryptic biodiversity of Bhutan.

Close to 15 participants from the College of Natural of Resources (CNR), Sherubtse College, National Plant Protection Centre (NPPC), Ugyen Wangchuck Institute for Conservation and Environmental Research (UWICER) and NBC are taking part in this 12-day training program.

This initiative is part of a long-term collaboration between Naturalis and NBC in biodiversity research, specifically focussing on developing taxonomic capacities of the in-country partner organizations and strengthening research on under-studied groups of biodiversity with economic and conservation values.

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