International Biodiversity Day observed at Buli, Zhemgang
The International Biodiversity Day was observed on 22nd May at Buli Central School, Zhemgang. The main objective of observing the day was to create awareness on the importance of biodiversity conservation and to recognize the important role of farmers as custodians of our agrobiodiversity. The day included a seed fair by farmers, an exhibition and a quiz on Bhutan’s biodiversity by the National Biodiversity Centre (NBC). Farmers from Buli and nearby gewogs participated in the seed fair and students took part in the quiz.
In addition, a book titled “Biodiversity Statistics of Bhutan 2017” published by NBC, was launched during the day. The book reports for the first time, a total of 11,248 species of all biodiversity groups found in Bhutan namely 5114 species under the Kingdom Animalia, 5369 species under the Kingdom Plantae, 690 species of fungus, 55 species under the Kingdom Chromista, 18 species of Eubacteria, and two species of protozoa under the Kingdom Protista.
The day was organized by the National Biodiversity Centre, Serbithang in collaboration with the Dzongkhag Agriculture Sector under Zhemgang Dzongkhag and attended by over 100 participants including officials from Zhemgang Dzongkhag, farmers and students. The event was supported by the Royal Government of Bhutan.