Laboratory Training on Different methods of Natural Product Extraction Focused on TLC Technique


Three days Laboratory Training on different methods of natural product extraction including bio-activity and biochemical analysis for different stakeholders was organized by the National Biodiversity Centre in collaboration with Nimura Genetic Solutions, Japan from 17th to 19th November, 2015 at NBC Bioprospecting Laboratory, Serbithang as part of the activity for the Nagoya Protocol Implementation fund (NPIF) Project.

The objective of the training was to build national capacity through technology transfer on different methods of extraction of natural products focused on Thin Layer Chromatography (TLC) Technique. This is the first training of its kind and the knowledge gained by the participants from such training is hoped to enable them to work more effectively in the laboratory and also help them understand the importance of Biodiversity.

A total of 13 participants from BAFRA, RNR RDC- Yusipang, Bio Bhutan, Menjong Sorig Pharmaceuticals and NBC took part in the training. The training was conducted by Dr. Seiji Shibahara and Mr. Satoshi Nimura from Nimura Genetics Solutions, Japan.


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