National Stakeholder consultation workshop on the invertebrates of Bhutan


Workshop participants

A one-day national stakeholder consultation workshop on invertebrates was organized in the capital by the National Biodiversity Centre on 18th June, 2012. It was attended by 18 participants representing various organization and agencies such as the Ugyen Wangchuck Institute for Conservation and Environment (UWICE), WildLife Conservation Division (WCD), RDC-Yusipang, Royal Society for Protection of Nature (RSPN), National Plant Protection Centre, and WWF-Bhutan Program. The workshop was technically back-stopped by Dr. Willem Ferdinand Klein, Edmund Gittenberger, and Prof. Andriana Cornelia Gittenberger, scientists from the Netherlands Centre for Biodiversity called Naturalis.

The main objective of the workshop was to facilitate discussion on the identification and prioritisation of invertebrates of interest and utility as well as to identify gaps in technical expertise and knowledge in the country. The result/recommendations of the workshop will be presented to the Gross National Happiness Committee of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forests for further direction and advice on the way forward in the study of invertebrates.

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