NBC receives ICT for Mountain Development Award 2018


The International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD) announced the winners of the Information and Communications Technology (ICT) for Mountain Development Award 2018 on the occasion of International Mountain Day on 11 December 2018 to honour achievements in ICT-enabled innovations and practices that promote environmental sustainability and mountain development in the Hindu Kush Himalaya. This year, the award was conferred to the National Biodiversity Centre (NBC), Bhutan and Kathmandu Living Labs, Nepal.
NBC was awarded for the initiatives carried out in the consortium-based Bhutan Biodiversity Portal (www.biodiversity.bt). NBC is pleased to receive the award as it recognised the work internationally the centre has been carrying out in collaboration with its partner agencies.
The Director General of ICIMOD stated that they also honour those who are reminding the world that the Mountain Matters through their work. This award is held for the fifth consecutive year. The regional award recognises innovations, uses, and applications in ICT for Development that help promote development and environmental conservation in the Hindu Kush Himalaya region. These are ICT-enabled innovations and good practices that others can learn from, replicate, scale up, or use for the benefit of mountain communities across the region, and the world.


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