Seminar on ABS and Bhutan Biodiversity Portal at the Samtse College of Education


30th May 2018: A seminar was conducted at the Samtse College of Education (SCE), Samtse on the Access and Benefit Sharing (ABS) and the Bhutan Biodiversity Portal ( The aim of the seminar was to create awareness on the ABS and Bhutan Biodiversity Portal to around 80 students (teacher trainees) and lecturers of the college.

The seminar provided insights into the ABS policy and procedures especially focusing on the academic researches on biological resources of Bhutan. The documentation of Traditional Knowledge associated with biological resources and Material Transfer Agreement (MTA) were highlighted as numerous studies on biological resources are being carried out by the college.

The newly upgraded features of the Portal were demonstrated along with discussions on biodiversity conservation and future collaboration. The upgraded features of the Portal included the inclusion of Dataset Features on aquatic biodiversity, Traits (characteristics of species), Map Module, and Data Upload & Download.

In addition, the impact of Invasive Plant Species were discussed as most areas under the Samtse Dzongkhag was highly infested with the Invasive Plant Species. The college was also provided with pictorial guide book on Invasive Plants of Bhutan among other field guides, in order to help the students identify and study on the invasive plants coming in through the Indian border. The seminar was jointly organized by the National Biodiversity Centre (NBC) and the Samtse College of Education.

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