Seminar on ABS and legal framework with an emphasis on Biodiversity conservation for RITH student held at NBC conference hall
Friday, October 20th, 2017: A seminar on Access and Benefit Sharing (ABS) and legal framework with an emphasis on Biodiversity conservation for RITH students were held at NBC conference hall on 20th October 2017. The objective of the seminar mainly aimed at creating awareness on the biodiversity conservation and its sustainable utilization.
Group photo with the participants
The seminar covered an overview of the national and international conventions, protocols and legal framework on biodiversity such as United Nations Convention in Biological Diversity (CBD), Nagoya Protocol on Access and Benefit Sharing, Access and Benefit Sharing Policy of Bhutan 2015 and the Access and Benefit Sharing regime adopted in the country.
The students were also briefed on the different programs and activities carried out by the National Biodiversity Centre and were introduced to Bhutan Biodiversity Portal, which act as an online biodiversity repository contributed by the biodiversity enthusiasts. The seminar was attended by 25 students and 3 faculty members. The seminar was supported by Nagoya Protocol Implementation Fund implemented by the National Biodiversity Centre in collaboration with UNDP Bhutan.
Submitted by: National Biodiversity Center.