Seminar on “Biodiversity conversation with special focus on Access and Benefit Sharing (ABS) and Bhutan Biodiversity Portal” held at Paro College of Education
A seminar on “National biodiversity conservation and sustainable program with special focus on Access and Benefit Sharing (ABS) and the Bhutan Biodiversity Portal” was held at the Paro College of Education on 27th May, 2017. The seminar was mainly aimed at creating awareness on the biodiversity conservation and its importance targeting students and faculties of the Paro College of Education. Thus, expanding awareness and information dissemination to a wider audience. The awareness program is a part of series of seminar conducted throughout the country.
Group photo with the participants
The seminar covered various biodiversity conservation and sustainable utilization initiatives in the country, an overview of the national and international conventions, protocols and legal framework on biodiversity such as the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), Nagoya Protocol on Access and Benefit Sharing, Access and Benefit Sharing Policy of Bhutan 2015 and the Access and Benefit Sharing regime adopted in the country.
Participants were also briefed on the different programs and activities carried out by the National Biodiversity Centre and other relevant agencies and, the participants were introduced to Bhutan Biodiversity Portal (, which acts as an online biodiversity repository contributed by the biodiversity enthusiasts. This kind of awareness programs are conducted in the hope to generate interest in the students (future generations) of their surrounding biodiversity and develop interest in conservation activities.
The seminar was organized by the National Biodiversity Centre and was attended by the faculty members and 280 students. The seminar was supported by Nagoya Protocol Implementation Fund implemented by the National Biodiversity Centre in collaboration with UNDP Bhutan.