Stakeholder Consultation Workshop on Invertebrate Documentation Project


IMG_1142A one-day stakeholder consultation workshop on invertebrate inventory and documentation project funded through Bhutan Trust Fund for Environmental Conservation (BTFEC) was held on 27th October 2014 at WWF Conference Hall, Thimphu. The workshop was organized by the National Biodiversity Centre (NBC) to consult with the relevant stakeholders for finalization of the taxonomic groups to be taken up through the project and to agree on the project implementation modality.

13 participants from Ugyen Wangchuck Institute for Conservation and Environment (UWICE), RNR- RDC-Yusipang, National Plant Protection Centre (NPPC), College for Natural Resources (CNR), Sherubtse College, Mendrelgang Middle Secondary School, Tsirang and National Biodiversity Centre (NBC) took part in the consultation workshop.

The workshop finalized the following five taxonomic groups and the lead and collaborating agencies.

S/N Broad Taxonomic group (Order) Specific group Lead agency Collaborating agencies
1 Lepi


Moths (Heterocera) UWICE Mendrelgang Middle Secondary School, Tsirang
2 Coleoptera Ladybug/Lady beetle (Coccinellidae) NPPC RDC-Yusipang
3 Mollusks Snails and Slugs NBC UWICE
4 Odonata Dragonflies and Damsel flies CNR Sherubste College
5 Hymenoptera Wasp and Bees Sherubste College CNR

The participants also discussed the methodology for inventory and site selection as well as post inventory activities such as determination of species and reference collection curation. The project amounting to Nu.9.576 million will be implemented from November 2014 to June 2017.


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