Tandem Workshop on “Mutually Implementation of Nagoya Protocol and ITPGRFA”


The National Biodiversity Center (NBC) in collaboration with Bioversity International conducted a one day capacity building tandem workshop on “Mutually Implementation of Nagoya Protocol (NP) and the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (ITPGRFA)” on 29th September 2017 at Metta Resort, Paro.

The workshop was attended by twenty three participants from the Department of Agriculture, Bhutan Agriculture and Food Regulatory Authority, Bhutan Alpine Seeds, Department of Forest and Park Services, RDC Yusipang, RDC Bajo, Legal Unit- MoAF, Royal University of Bhutan, UNDP CO, College of Natural Resources and National Biodiversity Centre.

The main aim of the workshop was to build national capacity and share knowledge on mutually supportive implementation interface between the NP and ITPGRFA in the context of broader national policy goals as well as to identify the core issues of the interface of the ITPGRFA and the NP. Presentations on seed system, ways to strengthen national capacity to implement the ITPGRFA and mutually supportive implementation of the Plant Treaty and Nagoya Protocol were one of the highlights of the workshop which was followed by case studies.

The workshop was facilitated by Dr. Ronnie Vernooy, Genetic Resources Policy Specialist, Bioversity International and jointly funded by Nagoya Protocol Implementation Framework Project & Bioversity International.

Submitted by: National Biodiversity Centre.

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