Technical Visit by the delegation from Malaysia


July1-2, 2014: Seven member delegates from Malaysia representing the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, Centre of Excellence for Biodiversity Law and Forest Resource Institute of Malaysia visited Ministry of Agriculture and Forests from 1-2, July 2014, which was coordinated by the National Biodiversity Centre, Serbithang.

The delegates were in the country to share experiences on the implementation of the ABS regime in the country. During the meeting, the two sides exchanged experiences on Material Transfer Agreement (MTA), Access and Benefit Sharing (ABS) Agreements, the Biodiversity Act of Bhutan 2003 and the draft ABS Policy. Besides that, protection of traditional knowledge associated with biological resources and associated benefit sharing was also discussed.

The delegates also had an opportunity to meet the Honorable Secretary, MoAF and Director General, DoFPS and the Chiefs of Forest Resource Management Division, Wildlife Conservation Division and the Director of SAARC Forestry Centre. The delegates also visited the Traditional Medicinal Hospital and Mejong Sorig Pharmaceuticals.

With secretary

With NBC-PD- staffs

Malaysian Delegates with the Secretary, MoAF & Program Director of NBC, Serbithang.


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