The National Biodiversity Centre, Dzongkhag Forest Sector (Trongsa) and the Monpas revives Community Orchid Garden at Jangbi, Trongsa


The Community Orchid Garden at Jangbi village, Trongsa was established in 2004 through the support of the Dzongkhag Forest Sector and GEF-Small Grants Program. The Orchid Garden was established to promote community income generation and conservation of orchid species found in the locality. However, the community could not generate viable income due to poor orchid propagation and management skills. 

On the request of the of the Monpa community, the National Biodiversity Center (NBC) in collaboration with the Dzongkhag Forest Sector, Trongsa strengthened the community orchid garden and  provided a five-day hands-on training on orchids propagation and management to 51 farmers of Jangbi, Wangling and Phumzur villages from 11 to 15 June, 2012.


The key objective of the intervention is to promote conservation of the orchid diversity in the locality, community income generation (from sale of the orchids) and discourage collection from the wild. The Dzongkhag Forest Sector, Trongsa will very soon develop by-laws and a management plan for the sustainable management of the Orchid Garden. The garden has over twelve species of orchids including Cymbidium, Calanthe and Dendrobium species. Similar support was provided to the farmers’ groups of Samtengang,Wangdiphodrang and Simpho, Trongsa.


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