Three day Training workshop on the “Field Identification Skills of Endemic plants of Bhutan”


The National Biodiversity Center is organizing a three day training workshop on the “Field Identification Skills of Endemic plants of Bhutan” from 14-16 January 2015. Participants are focal persons on endemic plants from the Departments of Forests and Park Services including field officials from the protected areas, Research and Development Center and Ugyen Wangchuck Institute for Environment and Conservation. The resource persons are Rebecca Pradhan, Royal Society for Protection of Nature, Ngawang Gyeltshen, Wildlife Conservation Division, Stig Dalstrom, orchid specialist, Selby Botanical Garden, Florida, Rinchen Yangzom and Kencho Dorji, National Biodiversity Center.

The objectives of the training workshop are:

  1. To introduce plant identification techniques
  2. To enable participants to identify endemic plants of Bhutan
  3. To revive plant taxonomy activities in the country

The participants are expected to recognized endemic plants and initiate relevant conservation initiatives in their respective protected areas.

The training workshop is made possible through financial support from the Bhutan Trust Fund for Environmental Conservation. participants for the tranning

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