Quotation for Air Ticket


The National Biodiversity Centre, Serbithang, MoAF invites quotations for 2 pax either through Email (pemled12@gmail.com/sdema06@gmail.com) or Fax (02-251219) from authorized ticketing agents for the following sector as per the terms and conditions specified below:

Date Sector Rates in Nu. Status of seats
24th July 2014 (Thursday) Paro to Delhi    
Paro to Bangkok    
25th July 2014 (Friday) Delhi to Boise, Idaho, USA    
Bangkok to Boise, Idaho, USA    
31st July 2014 (Friday) Biose, Idaho, USA to Delhi    
Boise, Idaho, USA to Bangkok    
1st Aug 2014 (Saturday) Delhi to Paro    
Bangkok to Paro    








Terms and Conditions:

  1. The bids shall be submitted to the National Biodiversity Centre, Serbithang, by 11th July 2014 on or before 2.00 PM.
  2. Bids should be addressed to the Program Director, NBC, Serbithang, MoAF, Thimphu.
  3. Bids should be sent via email at pemled12@gmail.com (Pema Leda) or sdema06@gmail.com (Sangay Dema) or  through Fax (02-351219)
  4. The quoted rate should be valid for at least two months.
  5. Quotations received after the submission dateline and time will not be entertained.
  6. The date of award is on 11th July 2014 at 3:00 PM.
  7. The decision of the Tender Committee will be final and binding.

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