Re-invitation for airfare Quotation


Re-invitation for airfare Quotation

The National Biodiversity Centre is pleased to invite airfares from eligible ticketing firm for the following sectors:

SN Route Date Class
1. Paro- Delhi- Bopal (Raja Bhoj International Airport) 17th December, 2019 Economy
2. Bopal (Raja Bhoj International Airport) – Delhi- Paro 23rd December, 2019 Economy

2Pax: Mr Mani Prasad Nirola and Ms. Jamyang Choden

Terms and Conditions

  1. The sealed quotation shall be submitted to the office of undersigned not later than 26th November, 2019 at 11 am and will be opened on the same day at 11:30 am.
  2. The rate should be quoted as per the sector specified and will be selected for the most direct and economical route. However, bidders are requested not to quote for budget airlines.
  3. Bidders should mention the name of the airline and submit confirmed itineraries.
  4. Bidder are requested to maintain an appropriate transit time during transits.
  5. Sealed quotation should be addressed to the Program Director, NBC, MoAF, Serbithang.
  6. Quotations without sealed envelope will be disqualified.
  7. EMD of Nu. 2500/- (lump sum) shall be furnished in the form of cash warrant /demand draft in favor of Program Director, NBC.
  8. The valid trade license and other necessary documents should be attached.
  9. The quoted rate should be valid for at least three months.
  10. The decision of the tender committee will be final and binding.
  11. Evaluation of bids will be based on air fare as well as the availability of confirmed seats, suitability of travel timing and reputation of the airline for safety reasons and not necessary the lowest rate.

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