Notice Inviting Expression of Interest


The National Biodiversity Centre, Ministry of Agriculture and Forests would like to hire national consultant to prepare National Report on the State of Biodiversity for Food and Agriculture.

In this regard, we would like to invite ‘Expression of Interest’ for carrying out the above consultancy service from the eligible national consultant(s).

The ToR can be downloaded from the links below. The EoI should be submitted to NBC, MoAF, Serbithang before 2.00 PM on 20th May, 2016 and will be opened on the same day at 2.30 PM.

The Expression of Interest shall include the following documents but not limited to:

  1. Copy of valid individual/firm’s registration certificate.
  2. Financial proposal along with experience and competence relevant to the assignment, including copies of assignments of similar nature carried out in past, if any.
  3. Nationality Identity Card copy of the key personnel for the assignment.
  4. List of current assignment at hand.
  5. Reference from agencies if similar assignment were carried out in the past.

Follow this link for ToR

Click here for Guidelines  

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