Author: NBC

  • An ​​Evening for Biodiversity – Celebrating Bhutan’s Rich Biodiversity

    An ​​Evening for Biodiversity – Celebrating Bhutan’s Rich Biodiversity

    An Evening for Biodiversity-Celebrating Bhutan’s unique domestic and wild biodiversity was convened on 26 August 2022. The event was conceived under the auspicious guidance of Dasho Paljor J. Dorji and co-hosted by Bhutan Ecological Society (BES) and National Biodiversity Center (NBC).  This was the first ever event on-An Evening of Biodiversity-Celebrating Bhutan’s Nature.   The event also had live streaming on Facebook page facilitated by BES for the benefit of online viewers.

    Addressing the gathering, the Officiating Program Director of NBC stated that Bhutan is renowned for rich biodiversity and Bhutan’s unique position in the Central-Himalayan Arc makes Bhutan rich in biodiversity. She further stated that Bhutan is characterized by very high levels of geodiversity and therefore, high levels of geodiversity also demand us to have very high levels of biodiversity for our sustenance and growth.

    The rationale behind the event on “An Evening on Biodiversity-celebrating Bhutan’s nature” was to raise awareness on the country’s rich biodiversity, efforts being put in by different stakeholders for effective biodiversity conservation and sustainable utilization in the country and to gain support from different national and international organizations, NGOs, CSOAs, policymakers, financial institutions, academia, business and the general public.   Further, it was aimed at creating a close interface between different actors of biodiversity to strengthen our joint efforts to conservation and sustainable utilization of biodiversity in the country.

    The event saw 4 important presentations on:

    1. Domestic biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Utilization by NBC
    2. Wild biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Utilization by NBC
    3. The incredible floral diversity of Bhutan’s forests by Bhutan for Life
    4. Nature un-sanitized: The invaluable value of the ‘last biodiversity refugia’ by BES

    Addressing the gathering, Hon’ble Dasho Paljor J. Dorji (Dashi Benji) stressed that it is the responsibility of all Bhutanese to actively participate and provide support in the preservation of our unique biodiversity as enshrined upon in the Constitution of Bhutan. With much emphasis placed on biodiversity conservation, it is also equally imperative that our biodiversity plays a key role in the economic development of the country while ensuring sustainable utilization and equitable sharing of benefits arising from its use. Vice Chancellor, Registrar, Royal University of Bhutan, Department of Forests and Park Services, Civil Society Organization Authority, Bhutan Foundation, Tarayana Foundation, Bhutan for Life, Royal Society for Protection of Nature, Bhutanese film fraternity, RTC students and National Biodiversity Center.

  • National Butterfly Week

    National Butterfly Week

    National Biodiversity Centre in collaboration with the Nature Guides is please to announce “National Butterfly Week” Event from 17th – 31 August 2022.

    The Top three contributors of butterfly observations will be awarded the cash price of Nu.10,000 Nu.6000 and Nu.4000 respectively. Top three contributors along with fourth and fifth highest contributors will be awarded with certificates of participation.

    Register at and upload butterfly observations (Photo) during National Butterfly Week (17th – 31th August 2022), to participate in National Butterfly week and stand a chance to win attractive prizes.

    Click here for the National Butterfly Week Participation Guide

  • Report on National Moth Week

    Report on National Moth Week

    The center is pleased to share the report on National Moth Week which was held on 23rd to 31st July 2022.

  • National Moth Week Winners

    National Moth Week Winners

    A total of 4722 moth observations uploaded during National Moth Week.

    We would like to Congratulated Sherab Jamtsho, Sangay Chhophel and Tandin Jamtsho for being the top three contributors for moth observation. Mr. Sherab Jamtsho bagged the first place with 1191 moth observations followed by Mr. Sangay Chhophel (874) and Mr. Tandin Jamtsho (448). We are also pleased to announce that Mr. Gyeden Dorji and Mr. Karma Jamtsho for fourth and fifth place.

    We would like to request all the winners to kindly contact (Direct Message) through Bhutan Biodiversity Portal page on Facebook to receive their prizes. First three top leading contributors will receive monetary reward along with certificate of recognition and a book whereas the fourth and fifth place will receive certificate of recognition and a book.

    We would like to thank all the participants for making National Moth Week a successful event.