Author: NBC

  • Webinar on the transfer of technical know-how and scientific knowledge on analysis of oil samples

    Webinar on the transfer of technical know-how and scientific knowledge on analysis of oil samples

    22nd October 2021: The webinar on the transfer of technical know-how and scientific knowledge on analysis of oil samples was successfully conducted (virtually) today at the National Biodiversity Centre. The webinar was facilitated by the experts from the MSK Pvt. Ltd., India. The objective of the webinar is to share experiences by MSK regarding the technical know-how and scientific knowledge on the analysis of oil samples with the officials of the Centre.

    The webinar began with the presentation on the profile of the company, different test results conducted by the company, followed by the detailed discussions on the test results of the seven different types of oil samples comprised of Prinsepia utilis, Zingiber cassumunar, Gycine max, Symplocos paniculata carried out by  MSK for the Centre. The samples were tested for various parameters such as; specific gravity, moisture, refractive index, Iodine value, acid value along with a fatty acid profile.  The rationale for conducting such tests is to explore their potential utilization in nutraceutical, pharmaceuticals and cosmeceuticals

    The MSK Pvt. Ltd.,  is a quality testing company based in Kolkata, India with regional labs in New Delhi and Mumbai and has international offices in 12 countries.

    They do the analysis of commodities such as ores, coals, metals, fertilizers, food, water and other environments parameters.

  • International Access & Benefit Sharing (ABS) Workshop organized by National Institute of Genetics and Nimura Genetics Solutions in Japan

    International Access & Benefit Sharing (ABS) Workshop organized by National Institute of Genetics and Nimura Genetics Solutions in Japan

    The Centre participated in the International Access & Benefit Sharing (ABS) Workshop organized by National Institute of Genetics and Nimura Genetics Solutions in Japan.In the workshop, Centre shared the experiences in terms of implementation of ABS regime in Bhutan along with some the areas of collaborations. Seven officials from NBC & more than 55 participants from Japan participated in the workshop. The workshop aimed to strengthen collaboration between Japan and Bhutan in terms of research and devolopment in biodiversity & ABS.

  • Structured Internship Program Guideline

    Structured Internship Program Guideline

    The National Biodiversity Centre is pleased to share the Structured Internship Program Guideline for efficient and impactful internship experiences at the Centre. We hope that this guideline will help the Centre to impart and improve the knowledge and skills of our youths on biodiversity conservation.

  • Selection Interview for Royal Botanical Garden ESP

    The National Biodiversity Centre, Serbithnag under Ministry of Agriculture and Forests is pleased to announce the result of the selection interview for the post of Royal Botanical Garden ESP Held on 22nd June 2020.

    Sl. No Name CID No Marks scored 100% Remarks
    1 Muke 12005003677 59.5% Not selected
    2 Tshewang Dorji Tamang 11809000128 68.16% Standby
    3 Sonam Phuntsho 11602000245 80.36% Selected
    4 Dechen Zangmo 11504000687 68% Standby
    5 Jampel Wangmo 10712000627 46.33% Not selected
    6 Mangali Maya Rai 10301000745 Absent Absent
    7 Budhi Maya Rai 10301000744 Absent Absent