NBC Status Report (2022-23)

The National Biodiversity Centre is pleased to share our ANNUAL REPORT detailing keyachievements for the financial year 2022-23. Some of the highlights include the launch ofcommunity-based ABS products, the acquisition of two conservation farms, and theimplementation of critical agro-biodiversity projects … Continued

NBC Status report 2022

posted in: Biodiversity News, Publications | 0

The National Biodiversity Centre (NBC), MoAF is pleased to share the Centre’s Status Report 2022. This fiscal year observed several achievements and advancements in the field of biodiversity in Bhutan. Thus, through the Centre’s Status Report for the fiscal year, … Continued

Status Report for the fiscal year 2020 – 2021

posted in: Publications | 0

The Centre is pleased to share the Status Report for the fiscal year 2020 – 2021. The report comprises rationale for biodiversity conservation, achievements, annual performance agreement, success stories, research abstracts, and other relevant information on the biodiversity of Bhutan.