Category: Biodiversity News

  • International Biodiversity Day observed at Buli, Zhemgang

    The International Biodiversity Day was observed on 22nd May at Buli Central School, Zhemgang. The main objective of observing the day was to create awareness on the importance of biodiversity conservation and to recognize the important role of farmers as custodians of our agrobiodiversity. The day included a seed fair by farmers, an exhibition and a quiz on Bhutan’s biodiversity by the National Biodiversity Centre (NBC). Farmers from Buli and nearby gewogs participated in the seed fair and students took part in the quiz.

    In addition, a book titled “Biodiversity Statistics of Bhutan 2017” published by NBC, was launched during the day. The book reports for the first time, a total of 11,248 species of all biodiversity groups found in Bhutan namely 5114 species under the Kingdom Animalia, 5369 species under the Kingdom Plantae, 690 species of fungus, 55 species under the Kingdom Chromista, 18 species of Eubacteria, and two species of protozoa under the Kingdom Protista.

    The day was organized by the National Biodiversity Centre, Serbithang in collaboration with the Dzongkhag Agriculture Sector under Zhemgang Dzongkhag and attended by over 100 participants including officials from Zhemgang Dzongkhag, farmers and students.  The event was supported by the Royal Government of Bhutan.

  • Sharing of benefits to the local community under the access and benefit-sharing framework

    31st March 2019: The benefit-sharing ceremony between the Menjong Sorig Pharmaceuticals Corporation Limited (MSPCL), a State Owned Enterprise and the Namther Menrig Tshogpa, a community-based group in Langthel Gewog under Trongsa Dzongkhag was held on 31st March 2019 at Langthel Gewog in presence of the National Biodiversity Centre (NBC), MoAF, a national focal agency for the implementation of the access and benefit-sharing (ABS) regime in Bhutan.

    The MSPCL and NBC with the support from the UNDP-GEF Nagoya Protocol Implementation Fund (NPIF) project called “Promoting the Application of the Nagoya Protocol on Access to Genetic Resources and Benefit Sharing in Bhutan” has been implementing the ABS scheme with the Namther Menrig Tshogpa. The MSPCL has been granted access to Emblica officinalis (Himalayan gooseberry) and Sapindus rarak (soapnut tree) for the production of anti-ageing cream and a natural handmade soap on mutually agreed terms and conditions through negotiations and execution of an ABS agreement with the Namther Menrig Tshogpa with NBC maintaining oversight. This ABS scheme was a tripartite ABS agreement between two government entities and the local community.

    As per the terms and condition of the ABS agreement, MSPCL agreed to share the 5 % of the gross ex-factory profit annually to the Namther Menrig Tshogpa from the sale of the products developed from the utilization of the biological resources accessed from the community. Further, they agreed to share 2 % of the profit to the Bhutan Access and Benefit Sharing (BABS) Fund as a symbolic contribution to support the biodiversity conservation and sustainable initiatives in the country.  The cheque amounting to Nu. 4350.00 has been given to the chairman of the group as a benefit for the year 2018. The cheque amounting to Nu. 2491.00 has been received by the representative from NBC as a contribution to the BABS Fund. In addition to receipt of the profit, the community had received other benefits which include the payment of the premium price for the raw materials, distribution of the harvesting tools and the sustainable harvesting capacity building programs.  Further, a set of products developed through this collaboration were also distributed to the members of the community. Although the amount received by the community may be small in the beginning, it is going to be substantial in the coming years as the products capture the better market.

    Similar benefit sharing ceremony will be held between Bio Bhutan and the Jom Dagam Ngomen Tshogpa, Dagala Gewog, Thimphu Dzongkhag which is a bipartite ABS agreement between the private company and the local community.

    The main objective of supporting such ABS initiatives is to create a platform for the enhancement of livelihoods of the local communities and promote the participation and leadership of the local communities in the conservation of biological diversity as well as adopt ABS principles in the work process by companies.

    In order to facilitate the process of implementation of ABS regime in the country, there is the Access and Benefit Sharing Policy of Bhutan 2015 and the Biodiversity Act of Bhutan 2003 in place and any access to Bhutanese genetic resources and associated traditional knowledge is guided by these legislations. With such legislation in place and Bhutan being one of the bio-diverse countries with the farsighted leadership, Bhutan has a potential to tap benefits from biodiscovery research engaging local communities and companies creating a niche market for the nature-based products in the national as well as international market.



  • Consultative Workshop Biodiversity Statistics of Bhutan held

    29 March 2019: One-day consultative workshop on Biodiversity Statistics of Bhutan was held in Thimphu. The workshop aimed at validating the species checklists and the number of species found in Bhutan till 2017 and 2018, and finalizing the information to be presented in the publication. The primary focus of the Biodiversity Statistics of Bhutan is to collate and create an accurate and reliable baseline of biodiversity statistics for the country. This publication is the first of its kind, to be developed through collaborative efforts from various institutions. By creating a platform for the collection and discussion of biodiversity data from stakeholders with wide-ranging expertise, this publication will bring together knowledge from various sources and aims to present a thorough introduction to the biodiversity in Bhutan.

    This report will present the number of species according to taxonomic groups, trends of new records and discoveries, as well as other information related to the biodiversity of Bhutan. It will also provide checklists according to taxonomic classifications. The checklists will be made available through an online consortium-based platform, the Bhutan Biodiversity Portal (

    This is the second consultative workshop on Biodiversity Statistics of Bhutan, first one being held in 2016. Experts and relevant officials from UWICER, NBC, Nature Conservation Division, Jigme Khesar Strict Nature Reserve, RSPN, WWF-Bhutan, College of Natural Resources, National Statistical Bureau, RNR Statistical Division, ICTD, and National Mushroom Centre participated in the workshop. The workshop was organized by the National Biodiversity Centre (NBC).

  • National Training Workshop on Evolutionary Plant Breeding 11-18 February 2019

    National Training Workshop on Evolutionary Plant Breeding 11-18 February 2019

    A week long training workshop on Evolutionary Plant Breeding for the National Project Stakeholders is underway at Gelephu. The on-farm conservation Project on Evolutionary Plant Breeding “Use of genetic diversity and Evolutionary Plant Breeding for enhanced farmer resilience to climate change, sustainable crop productivity, and nutrition under rain-fed conditions” is supported by IFAD through Biodiversity International. It is an International project coordinated by Biodiversity International, Rome and will be implemented in six countries (Bhutan, Nepal, Iran, Uganda, Ethiopia and Jordan). The project will focus on the conservation and sustainable use of rice and bean on-farm diversity in the proposed project sites exploiting the concept of evolutionary plant breeding.

    The objectives of the training workshop are to enhance the capacity of the national project stakeholders on evolving concepts of evolutionary plant breeding, on-Farm crop genetic diversity assessment and seed systems, and social ecological assessment. The training workshop is organized by the National Biodiversity Centre, Serbithang, with technical support from the International Project Coordinating Unit, the Bioversity International, Rome. It is attended by the participants from the Regional Agriculture Research and Development Centres and the extension officials from the proposed project sites. The project will be implemented in 6 sites covering five Dzongkhags representing four agro-ecological zone. The project will identify climate resilient technologies for conservation, development and sustainable use of crop diversity.