Handing-Taking over of National Nublang Breeding Farm, Tashiyangphu & Native Poultry & Heifer Breeding Centre, Sertsam, Lhuentse from the Department of Livestock to the National Biodiversity Centre, MoAF

Subsequent to the executive order issued by the Ministry of Agriculture and Forests via letter no. MoAF/SEC/01/2022/673 dated 29 September 2022, and following approval from the Royal Civil Service Commission via letter no. RCSC/CSR/2022/1077 dated 28 September 2022 directing the implementation of civil service restructuring reforms, the Department of Livestock handed over the National Nublang Breeding Farm, Tashiyangphu and Native Poultry & Heifer Breeding Centre, Sertsam to National Biodiversity Centre, MoAF on November 14, 2022 in a simple ceremony. The event was observed by the representatives from the Ministry and the unit heads under the Department of Livestock and NBC. The farms were transferred to NBC as part of the overall goal of civil service reforms to strengthen efficiency, effectiveness and service delivery towards nation building. This will ensure streamlining of mandates, focused intervention, optimal utilization of resources and increased synergy between the organizations.