22 May 202222 May 2022 9:11 am
Message from Sanam Lyonpo on the International Day for Biological Diversity

22nd May is International Day for Biological Diversity as declared by United Nations to increase understanding and awareness on the importance of biodiversity and related issues. The day is observed on the 22nd of May with different slogans every year. The slogan for this year is “Building a Shared Future for all Life”.
This day highlights the national and global importance of biodiversity for the people and the planet. This day highlights the action that we must take to conserve, restore and sustainably use our rich biological diversity and equitably share benefits arising from the rich biological diversity.
Biological diversity or biodiversity is all forms of life on earth consisting of diversity at genetic, varietal, species and ecosystem diversity.
Biological diversity is the natural infrastructure supporting all life on earth and the foundation and basis for sustainable development. And therefore, Conserving biodiversity =Harvesting Sustainability.
Biodiversity remains the answer to several sustainable development challenges. From nature-based solutions and/ or ecosystem-based approaches to climate, health issues, food and water security, and sustainable livelihoods, biodiversity is the foundation upon which we can build back better.
Biodiversity is the diversity of food we eat each day, the diversity of drinks we drink each day, air quality we breath in. Without biodiversity, we cannot have dietary diversity and nutritional diversity and therefore we cannot have quality nutrition. Many of our traditional crops and livestock breeds contain highly superior nutraceutical properties. Therefore, there is a direct association between the biodiversity we conserve, and the diversity we eat with the health of our people and the nation.
Bhutan is a biodiversity-rich country and Royal Government of Bhutan accords very high importance to biodiversity as enshrined in Article 5 of the Constitution of Bhutan. We pledge to take strategic actions to safeguard our biodiversity at all times to come for our present and future generations. Concerted efforts are being made through the multitude of works of the National Biodiversity Centre (NBC), Department of Forests and Park Services (DoFPS), National Environment Commission (NEC), and many other relevant agencies to ensure the conservation and sustainable utilization our rich biodiversity both wild and domesticated including traditional knowledge associated with biological diversity. Much has been done but much remains to be done to protect our rich biological wealth for eternity.
To mark this important day, the National Biodiversity Centre (NBC), MoAF is organizing an event for the general public at the Royal Botanical Garden, Serbithang. The event will be mainly to create awareness on the importance of biodiversity conservation and its sustainable use through guided tours at the Royal Botanical Garden, Serbithang.
With the world continuing to grapple with the pandemic, Biodiversity Day 2022 will be celebrated keeping in mind the COVID-19 protocols.
I wish you all a “Happy International Day for Biological Diversity”.