National Inception Workshop on Early Action Support for GBF and NBSAP
National Biodiversity Centre under the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock (MoAL), in collaboration with the Department of Environment and Climate Change and the National Focal Point to the Convention on Biological Diversity, along with support from the UNDP Country Office and other relevant stakeholders organized a National Inception Workshop on Early Action Support for Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF) and National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plan (NBSAP) to kickstart the development of the 5th NBSAP and the 7th National Report (NR) to the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity (UN-CBD).

The participants were delivered with a comprehensive understanding of the project’s background, objectives, ToR, Rules of Procedures and proposed course of action. The National Inception Workshop aimed to gather valuable advice, feedback, and support from members of the Technical Working Group representing various agencies and relevant stakeholder who will be playing a crucial role in initiating the process of developing the new NBSAP and 7th NR.

The National Inception Workshop on Early Action Support for GBF and NBSAP were attended by the Director and a representatives from Department of Livestock (MoAL), Department of Environment and Climate Change (MoENR), Nature Conservation Division (MoENR), Department of Water (MoENR) UNDP Bhutan, Bhutan Food and Drug Authority (MoH), Department of Macro-Fiscal and Development Finance (MoF), Department of Planning, Budget and Performance (MoF), WWF Bhutan, Department of Agricultural Marketing and Cooperatives (MoAL), National Mushroom Centre (MoAL), BioFIN, Royal Society for Protection of Nature (RSPN), Bhutan Ecological Society (BES), RSA Pvt. Ltd, National Soil Services Centre (MoAL), Department of Tourism and Department of Agriculture.