Notice Inviting Expression of Interest (EOI) for consultancy services
Deadline for submission of EOI: 7th May 2015 (11:30 AM)
The National Biodiversity Centre, Ministry of Agriculture and Forests would like to seek Expression of Interest (EoI) from interested consultancy firms/ Consultant bidders as mentioned below for the following works.
Sl. No |
Name of the Work |
Eligibility |
Duration |
1 | Revision of existing Biodiversity Act 2003 and drafting of the Rules and Regulations | International consultancy firms/ consultant bidder | 1 year package with first draft delivery in a Month |
2 | Revision of existing Biodiversity Act 2003 and drafting of the Rules and Regulations | National consultancy firms/consultant bidders | 1 year package with first draft delivery in a Month |
3 | Translation, designing, proof reading and printing of ABS Policy | National consultancy firms/consultant bidders | 1 Month |
4 | Conduct perception study on awareness of Access and Benefit Sharing for targeted groups | National consultancy firms/consultant bidders | 1 Month |
5 | Development of a database | National consultancy firms/consultant bidders | 1 Month |
6 | Designing a poster for general process of Access and Benefit Sharing | National consultancy firms/consultant bidders | 1Month |
- Expression of Interest may be submitted by a firm, association, or a joint venture of consulting firms. For short-listing purposes, the combined experiences of an association or a joint venture will be evaluated.
- Separate proposal should be submitted for each category of work mentioned above.
- Expression of Interest should contain the following information:
- A covering letter addressed to the following:
Program Director, NBC, MoAF serbithang
ii. Applicants shall provide the following information in the respective formats given in the EOI documents:
- Expression of interest as per format (Annex-1)
- Applicant’s Information as per format (Annex-2)
- Project Sheets (Annex-3)
The evaluation of EOI applications will be based on the information provided.
Therefore applicants are requested to supply all information requested in the respective formats.
If EOI is submitted by the association or joint venture of two or more firms then the information in Annex-2 and Annex-3 should be provided in respective formats in the name of each member of the association or joint venture. The Annexures1-3 can be downloaded from website
- Applicants may submit additional information with their application but short-listing will be based primarily on the evaluation of information requested and included in the formats provided in the EOI documents.
- Projects completed between January, 2000 to December, 2014 will be considered for evaluation irrespective of the project start date.
- The Expression of Interest (EOI) document must be duly completed and submitted on or before 7th May 2015 (11:30 AM). The document should be clearly marked as “EOI Application for short-listing consultancy services.”
- In case the submission date falls on a public holiday, the submission can be made on the next working day. Any EOI Document received after the closing time for submission of proposals shall not be considered for evaluation.
- The name and address of short-listed firms will be published in the National Biodiversity Centre’s website and Ministry of Agriculture and Forests website Only the short-listed consultants will be invited to submit Technical and Financial proposals for the consulting service assignment.
- The Procuring Agency reserves the right to accept or reject any/all EOIs and cancel the notification without assigning any reasons.
For further information, please refer NBC’s website For any further clarification, please contact 02351218.