Butterfly BioBlitz Report

Considering the importance of citizen education on biodiversity conservation and its awareness, the National Biodiversity Centre (NBC) in collaboration with the Butterfly Society of Bhutan (BSoB) conducted Butterfly BioBlitz in Punakha and Gasa Dzongkhags from 16th to 19th June 2023. The BioBlitz is aimed at building interest and enhancing the butterfly knowledge of citizens. The event also aimed to document the butterfly diversity in the region considering its rich biodiversity.
The BioBlitz is supported by GEF-LDCF (NAPA 3) project implemented by the Ministry of Finance with support of UNDP-Bhutan, as a part of knowledge management and advocacy to citizens.

Citizen science plays a vital role in documentation and conservation of biodiversity including butterfly diversity. Thus, to enhance the butterfly knowledge base among the citizens, NBC in collaboration with the Butterfly Society of Bhutan (BSoB) conducted Butterfly BioBlitz to tour guides, foresters, Desuups and students in Punakha and Gasa regions. The BioBlitz site was selected owing to its rich record of butterfly diversity and the close proximity to the Centre. The participants are expected to learn basic butterfly identification techniques, its habitats and behaviors, and to document the butterfly diversity.
- Enhance basic capacity of citizens on butterfly identification techniques and family classifications.
- Understand the butterfly habitats and its importance.
- Documentation and photography of butterflies.

The Butterfly BioBlitz was conducted along the highways and the nearby forested areas and streams. The specific study stops were selected from the highway stretches from Thimphu until Gasa including Dochula and the Royal Botanical Park in Lamperi. Butterflies were documented and photographed by the participants.

The BioBlitz was attended by 20 participants consisting of tour guides, foresters, Desuups and students. The participants were introduced to basic butterfly identification techniques, understanding habitats, difference between butterflies and moths, catching and handling of butterflies, and butterfly family classifications.