The National Biodiversity Centre took part in one-day Food festival/exhibition on the theme “Food Diversity and Exchange-The Way to Rural Development” at Royal Institute for Tourism and Hospitality (RITH) on 29th October 2013 at RITH, Motithang.
The objectives of NBC’s participation were:
- To create awareness amongst the policy makers on the extent of local/traditional crop and animal diversity we have in Bhutan.
- To convey the message that ‘agro-biodiversity is important for food diversity’.
- To create awareness to tourism and hospitality sector as agrobiodiversity is a resources base to diversify products for tourism sector
- To promote agro-eco tourism

It was jointly organized by Department of Agriculture Marketing and Cooperative (DAMC) and Royal Institute for Tourism and Hospitality (RITH). The objective of the festival was to showcase the Bhutanese cuisines and products to outside world.
The program was graced by Hon’ble Minister, Ministry of Agriculture and Forests as a chief guest. Other dignitaries present were Oposition Leader, Dr. Pema Gyamtsho, Hon’ble Secretary, Ministry of Agriculture and Forests, Vice Chancellor, Royal University of Bhutan, Member of Parliament, representatives from College of Natural Resources, representatives from tourism affiliated hotels and representative from Portland wine industries.
Prior to exhibition, different authors from Bhutan and France presented their thematic papers on food diversity and exchange. The papers include Food Diversity and Exchange: Sharing the French experience, Geographical food: A future for Humanity, Food and Culture in Bhutan, Bhutanese Food: Opportunities for Innovation and Creativity and Bhutanese Food Diversity.
Different food items developed by RITH, wine, jam, pickles from National Post Harvest and France, buckwheat products from Bumthang, local brew “Araa” from different region and agro-biodiversity from national Biodiversity were display items during the Food festival.

The guests were all full of excitement testing all the food items displayed and expressed their feeling of contentment. Moreover, the hoteliers had an opportunity to directly contact with the local producers and opened market for certain commodities. They also scanned their eyes over the exhibits of NBC and appreciated the diversity. The jubilant joyous program came to an end at around 7.30 pm.

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