The final draft National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plan (NBSAP) was presented to the RNR-GNH committee on 4th September 2014 at MoAF conference hall. The current NBSAP is the 3rd revised version of the Biodiversity Action Plan. The document was re
years, under the coordination of National Biodiversity Centre. Revision is undertaken in line with the principle of maintaining a “living” document which takes into account the changing needs and priorities of the country in biodiversity management. It also demonstrates the national commitment to global efforts in biodiversity management by aligning the national targets with the global Aichi Biodiversity targets, which was endorsed by the heads of the countries in 2010 during the 10th COP at Nagoya, Japan.vised through a series of consultations amongst the national task force members and stakeholder workshops over a period of two
The draft NBSAP was presented to the RNR-GNH committee, the highest decision making body under the Ministry of Agriculture and Forests for endorsement of the national biodiversity targets and implementation framework. It was also to solicit further comments to strengthen the action plan and seek guidance on next step for government endorsement and mainstreaming. The NBSAP once endorsed by the government will become the national guiding document to biodiversity management.

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