Author: NBC

  • Tender

    Inviting bids for designing and lay out of the National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plan document.

    National Biodiversity Center, Ministry of Agriculture and Forests, Serbithang, is pleased to invite bids from registered firms/individuals with valid trade license to develop design and layout of the National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plan document, containing about 100 pages (A 4 size, font: Times New Roman and size 12, excluding pictures).The bids should be submitted to the National Biodiversity Centre, latest by 10th September 2014 by 2 p.m. The bids will be opened on same day at 3.30 p.m. For further details, please contact Sangay Dema at or at 17710881.

    Terms and conditions for submission of bids.

    1. The bids should be accompanied with 2 % of the quoted amount as demand draft/cash warrant in favour of the Program Director, National Biodiversity Center (NBC).
    2. The bidder should provide information of similar task completed in the past and submit samples to assess the technical competency (returnable upon completion of the bid evaluation).
    3. NBC will provide the draft NBSAP document along with work order to start the work. However, the selected bidder should be able to incorporate changes in the process of work.
    4. The first draft of the design and layout should be submitted to the National Biodiversity Centre within two weeks from the issue of the work order for review by the National Task Force.
    5. The final document (print-ready) after incorporation of the comments should be submitted to NBC by 30th September 2014.
    6. The NBC will provide a selection of photos, which have to be incorporated under relevant theme in the document and the cover page by the designer.
    7. The evaluation of bids will be based on the technical competency and financial rationale at a ratio of 60:40.
    8. The decision of the tender committee comprising representative from NBC and National Task Force shall be final and binding.


    Program Director

  • Visit by Thai officials to NBC

    19 Aug: An eight member team from Land Development Department, Bangkok, Thailand visited National Biodiversity Centre, Serbithang as a part of Joint Agriculture Working Group (JAWG) Project Agreement between the Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives, Thailand and Ministry of Agriculture and Forests, Bhutan.

    IMG_4717The officials with the Program Director and the Centre’s staff

    The main objective of the visit was to study the various agricultural research and service facilities of the Centre, meet relevant officials and explore areas of future collaboration. The team was briefed on the mandates and activities of the Centre along with briefing on various programs such as Plant Gene Bank, Animal Gene Bank, Bio-prospecting Lab, National Herbarium and the Royal Botanical Garden, Serbithang.


    Officials at the Orchidaruim, Royal Botanical Garden, Serbithang

  • Tender Announcement

    Ministry of Agriculture and Forests

    National Biodiversity Centre

    Serbithang, Thimphu


    Sealed bid rates are hereby invited from the eligible Suppliers/dealers having valid trade license for the supply of the following items:


    1. Equipment and Lab Consumables                              –         Nu. 500/- (non-refundable)
    2. Hiring of Vehicle                                                        –         Nu. 300/- (non-refundable)


    Tender Documents along with the list of items can be purchased from the office of the undersigned on any working day from 18/08/2014 till 17/09/2014 on the payment of tender cost indicated above against each item. Last date for submission of Tender is on 18/09/2014 till 2:00 PM and it will be opened on same day at 2:30 PM.

                                   Program Director

  • ToT Workshop on Community Self Assessment for Conservation Project

    24-26th July 2014: A three-day Training of Trainers Workshop on Community Self Assessment for on-farm conservation project on Biodiversity Use and Conservation in Asia Program (BUCAP) Project is underway at Gelephu. The Project is supported through South East Asia Regional Initiatives for Community Empowerment (SEARICE), based in the Philippines. It focuses on the conservation, development and sustainable use of cereal diversity in the country.

    compresse1 The workshop is attended by 15 project stakeholders from regional Renewable  Natural Resources Research and Development Centres of Wengkhar, Bhur and  Bajo, and Agriculture Extension Officials from the respective project sites of  Drujeygang, Tarraythang, Samtse, Wangphu and Kengkhar. The workshop  focuses on the use of Community Self Assessment (CSA) Tools to assess the  impacts the project beneficiary/communities themselves.


    The workshop is  organized by the  National Biodiversity  Centre, Serbithang with technical inputs from Mr. Tirtha Bdr. Katwal, Specialist from RNR-RDC Yusipang. After the workshop, the participants as project partners will undertake CSA in their respective sites for assessing the project impacts and preparation of the national consolidated report.